Floral Park, we are in for another change: seniors and juniors are now allowed to switch from hybrid instruction to attending school in-person for five days of the week. Originally, this change began with solely seniors being granted the privilege to switch at the beginning of the second semester, and now capacity guidelines allow juniors to take advantage of it as well. As more and more students are being allowed to return to school full time, it bodes well for attendance in the coming months. Who knows, maybe all students will be given the option to learn in person by the end of the year!
As a senior who has been taking advantage of this opportunity since January, I can honestly say that returning to the building has proved to be a tremendous change in my lifestyle and FPM is one step closer to being the school I’ve attended since 2015. Before switching to in-person education, I was a Hybrid B student and had, at most, five other students in a classroom with me. Now, I see my Hybrid A friends and Hybrid B friends alternating every other day and have seen over 10 students in one classroom. The schedule is a bit confusing to keep up with, but overall is a significant plus to my day. If given the chance, I recommend that every student return to school in person ASAP and make the most out of this complicated school year.