Coming Out Day:
Coming Out Day at FPM was held on October 10th. Coming Out Day is a day to support and acknowledge the difficulties members of the LGBTQ+ community face with “coming out” and disclosing their true selves. However, it is not only an LGBTQ awareness day, it is for anyone who struggles with sharing who they are for fear of judgment.
On Coming Out Day, those who struggle internally trying to conform to a heteronormative society, are given a chance to feel free and gain acceptance.
Bullying, even on small scales, affects everybody. It is a deliberate action from someone intended to cause some physical or emotional harm.
Key Characteristics of Bullying:
- Intentional: The actions are deliberate, with the aim of causing harm.
- Repetitive: Bullying often happens repeatedly over time, though a single severe incident can also be considered bullying.
- Power Imbalance: The bully usually has some advantage over the victim, such as physical strength, popularity, or access to sensitive information.
Impacts of bullying:
When bullying is taken too far, the victim can feel defeated, thereby seeking solace through unhealthy coping mechanisms like self-harm, or social withdrawal. Even “minor insults” could be catastrophic.
Statistics Speak:
A study by Yale School of Public Health, published on JAMA Pediatrics, analyzed the prevalance of bullying as a factor in childhood suicides from age groups between 10 and 19. The study proves that bullying plays a large factor in LGBTQ suicides, regardless of age. Tolerance and acceptance must start in early childhood, as the majority of suicides stem from the 10-13 year age group.
Coming Out Day is an annual date to remember, spread kindness to your queer peers and treat them how you want to be treated. October 10th should not be the only day to show that inclusivity matters. Kindness and unity are integral to bringing communities together.
Clark, Kirsty A. “Accepted for Publication: January 22, 2020.” JAMA Pediatrics, vol. xx, no. xx, May 26, 2020, pp. xx-xx, doi:10.1001/jamapediatrics.2020.0940.
Greenwood, Michael. “Bullying Is Common Factor in LGBTQ Youth Suicides, Yale Study Finds.” YaleNews, 19 Dec. 2019,
Suicide Risk Behaviors Among Sexual Minority Adolescents in the United States, 2015. Caputi, T.L, Smith, D. & Ayers, J.W. JAMA, 2017. Available at For a broader look at data on sexual minority youth from the Youth Risk Behavior Survey, visit