Students in my AP US Government and Politics classes create a hallway mural as an option for their final project.
The quote was selected by the students (choose from a list that I generate; all quotes speak to the theme of being civic minded and making a positive difference). This year the quote was from Winston Churchill, “We make a living by what we get but we make a life by what we give.”
Several design concepts were created by the hallway mural committee. The students decided to move forward with Suzi Vesecky’s” honeybee” concept. Suki described her draft design as follows (directly from the Google Classroom post):
“Idea- bees giving out their honey to people of different backgrounds. A bunch of hands holding honey pots and the hive in the corner which could say something on it
Why- honey can’t be made unless all bees contribute and after they make honey many different people, animals use the honey like the quote which is about giving.”
The “Bee the Change” addition was an afterthought. We love the Gandhi quote, “Be the change you wish to see in the world.”
Please see attached photos.
Featured student artists include:
Suzi Vesecky
Nora Cernjul
Emer Price
Mia Savino
Victoria Small
Jaskaran Singh
Elise Pinola
Olivia Battista
Samanth Mancz
Damian Chin
Emily Sancharitar
Hannah Bakhsh
Abby Moran
Hilyana Torres
Brooke Swope
Maya Barravecchio
John DiMeo
Rehan Rashid
Jake Torres
Satyavesh Sohan
Mya Fredericks
Karma Williams
Brian Lo
Nicholas Zacharis
Haley Noone