FPM Honors Transgender Day of Remembrance


Charlotte Goss, Staff Writer

Monday, Novemeber 20th marked the Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDoR), a day to commemorate those who lost their lives as a result of anti-transgender violence. It was founded in 1999 to memorialize the murder of Rita Hester, which caused a surge of public outrage. It has since become a day of visibility in over 20 countries. Additionally, the week preceding TDoR is Transgender Awareness Week, a week to encourage greater visibility of trans people and trans issues.

At Floral Park Memorial, the LGBTQ+ Association has promoted the transgender community by having announcements of notable transgender figures, spreading information in displays throughout the school, and wearing the colors of the trans flag (pink, white, and blue). Traditionally, TDoR includes a reading of the names of all those lost to transphobic violence in the past year, but can include a wide range of memorials and awareness activities, including candlelight vigils and marches. This year has already seen 25 reported murders of trans people in the United States, while 2016 saw 23 victims. Most victims are black trans women, showing that transphobia is not the only contributor to these crimes, as racism and sexism are also factors. In light of this, and during a time of reinvigorated attacks against transgenders, continued intersectional activism and support for the transgender community is vital.

The LGBTQ+ Association at FPM is committed to its goal to making FPM a safer school for students of every gender and sexuality. More information about the Transgender Day of Remembrance can be found at the Gay and Lesbian Association Against Defamation (GLAAD). The LGBTQ+ Association does far more than TDoR, participating in events such as the National Day of Silence, National Coming Out Day, and Long Island Pride.

For more information about the club or its TDoR, speak to advisor Mr. Dura or any of the members. Club news and events can be found on Instagram @fpm.lgbt.association. You can also visit the LGBT Network’s page on LIGALY (Long Island Gay and Lesbian Youth) for information not only on TDoR, but for events, support, and services for LGBTQ youth.