Sign of Gratitude for FPM Graduate

Students and staff wear blue to express thanks to Officer Viscusi


Demi Cascio, Co-Editor in Chief

On Wednesday, October 30th, the Floral Park Memorial community will be wearing blue. Your participation is optional, but encouraged. 

After a recent assembly for juniors and seniors on the effects of drugs, alcohol and vaping, the Class of 2020, along with some members of the Social Studies Department, organized a day to thank Office Viscusi, a graduate of Floral Park Memorial, for everything he and the Floral Park Police Department does for our community. There will be paper hearts, police badges, and American flags distributed in class for students to write their name on to display their support. Students will be invited to offer words of gratitude for Officer Viscusi. Blue ribbons will also be worn. 

Take the time to thank an officer who keeps our community safe, and don’t forget to wear blue!