“Outside” – a Villanelle


Joshua Parris, Senior Staff Writer

Man, I sure do love being able to go outside,
I’m tired of being in the house all day,
But I do have so many shows and movies to watch that I can’t decide.

I’ve started to rewatch that 70s show, my favorite character is Hyde.
I’ve become quite the film connoisseur I must say,
Man, I sure do love being able to go outside.

I’ve been watching Tiger King, they should arrest Carol she committed homicide.
I’ve been looking at the tv for so long I think my hair is turning grey,
But I do have so many shows and movies to watch that I can’t decide.

Everything is closed here. I’m pretty sure the everyone is bored citywide,
I think I’ve lost concept of time I thought today was the weekend it’s only Tuesday,
Man, I sure do love being able to go outside.

I really need to leave the house even if it’s for a short ride.
Too bad I’m stuck, and all I have are these movies on prime on display,
But I do have so many shows and movies to watch that I can’t decide.

Everyone is home I have nowhere to confide,
At the end of all of this I sure do need a vacay,
Man, I sure do love being able to go outside,
But I do have so many shows and movies to watch I can’t decide.