Mariame Kaba: Modern Day Abolitionist

Emma Mathew, Junior High Staff Writer

     In honor of Black History Month, I would like to spotlight one of the most prominent and educated activists of our time, Ms. Mariame Kaba. Given her long list of accomplishments and achievements, it’s a wonder that she isn’t more well known. Ms. Kaba studied sociology at McGill University, Northwestern, and City College of New York. She has been honored with the 2020 Lannan Cultural Freedom Fellowship, the Melanie Kaye/Kantrowitz Visionary Award, the Visionary Voice Award, the Ron Sable Award for Activism, and many, many more. Not to mention co-founding the Chicago Freedom School, Survived and Punished, serving as co-chair of the Women of Color Committee at the Chicago Metropolitan Battered Women’s Network, and writing multiple books, including Missing Daddy, We Do This ‘Til They Free Us, Lifting As They Climbed, and a host of blogs, essays, and articles. A modern day abolitionist, Kaba has coined many of the terms that are now the basis for current political theory. She’s a visionary and a pillar of the modern civil rights movement, and I can’t think of someone more fitting to show homage to this month than her.