Is Halloween Canceled?
November 5, 2020
On the 31st of October, families celebrate a spooky holiday just before Thanksgiving and Christmas comes around. Well, what is Halloween? Halloween is a joyful and celebratory holiday. Children make or buy exotic and fun costumes every year. From being Batman to Princess Jasmine from Disney, the possibilities are endless! Parents or adults buy candy or make goodie bags to give out to children on the last day of October. Children go out from door to door in their spectacular costumes asking for candy. We call them Trick-Or-Treaters. At the end of the day, before it gets dark, kids say their last “trick or treat!” and head home. Once they return home, the candy is all theirs, and maybe their parents’ too. Therefore, this day is by far one of the most enjoyable holidays. Spending time together with friends, communicating with new people, and sharing is what Halloween is all about.
Although, this year we have all seen the worst happen. It is a pretty self-explanatory topic, Covid-19. As much as all civilians dislike the virus, we are faced with new guidelines on how to have fun, affecting everyone’s way of life. Social distancing, wearing masks, and regularly getting a cotton swab up your nose isn’t too fun. So, what happens with all holidays we love to enjoy? Will they get canceled? Let’s break down what happened this year to one of America’s most favorite holidays, Halloween.
When wearing a costume this year you must wear masks, not only for Halloween but whenever you go out. Even if wearing a face piece that goes along with your costume, it would be most safe to put a medical or cloth mask underneath. But, if you aren’t wearing a face piece with your costume you are still obligated to wear one. Nowadays, it is very easy and simple to find patterned or colored masks. For instance, let’s say you are wearing a Princess Belle costume to go trick-or-treating you would wear a yellow-colored face mask.
In Nassau County, the news recommended that painting a pumpkin purple or drawing a purple pumpkin, and putting it in front of your house is the best way to indicate your house is safe to go to. Although, some people chose to simply just put a bowl of candy on their steps and constantly re-fill it. That was done before Covid as well.
So your answer is no, Halloween wasn’t canceled. The spooky holiday did have some changes but as a community, we found a way to make it just as fun.