For the FPM Drama Club The Show Must Go On

December 1, 2020
Lights! Camera! ACTION! Do you have a love for the performing arts? An adoration for acting? A “tendency for theatricality,” if you will? If you answered yes to any of the above questions, join the FPM Drama Club! We are back with a plan to push forward during the 2020-2021 school year. COVID-19 may be preventing us from performing together on stage, but who are we to roll over and let our year be boring? Add some spice to your life by becoming a part of the cast of amazing annual performances such as You Can’t Take It With You and last year’s The Man Who Came To Dinner.

To adapt to this year’s changes, we’ve devised a plan to really allow for the creativity within you to shine. If you’ve ever dreamed about directing a scene and deciding how it all comes together, Drama Club 2020 is where you want to be. We will be hosting a Spring Showcase in which YOU get to perform a monologue or skit in front of a digital audience! You get to decide who is in it, whether you want to work with friends or be a solo act. Point being, you are in charge. Now who doesn’t like the sound of that?
So what are you waiting for? You won’t “break a leg” just standing there (hopefully). The club meets every Tuesday either on Google Meet or, get this, IN PERSON! Join our Remind by texting @4fh4hd9 to 81010 and join our google meet with the code: xua-yxz-beon. We hope to see you there!